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Ordine pubblico

METRO - 27/08/2008 - Notting Hill rioters go on rampage - di Miles Erwin

L'articolo evidenzia i problemi di ordine pubblico che si ripropongono sistematicamente durante il Carnevale di Notting Hill. Nell'articolo si parla di "Stop and search", uno strumento utilizzato dalla polizia per fermare e controllare le persone, per verificare se nascondano delle armi o degli oggetti contundenti: ebbene, in un articolo intitolato "Stop and search ‘making knife gangs stronger’", di Richard Moriarty, pubblicato da thelondonpaper, pag 6, thursday 28 august 2008, si legge: " .... Scotland Yard figures show officers carried out 48,869 stop and searches in May, June and July this year, resulting in 1,592 arrests".

Nonostante si voglia presentare il Carnevale caraibico di Notting Hill come un evento allegro e divertente, abbiamo già sottolineato come, invece, degeneri sistematicamente in violenti scontri con le forze dell'ordine; infatti, l'articolo inizia con le seguenti parole: "VIOLENCE marred the end of Notting Hill Carnival when police were attacked by a gang of rioters. Officers were pelted with bottles and other missiles as they fought a two-hour running battle with the 40-strong mob in Ladbroke Grove".

Esplicite sono le parole della polizia: "‘For two hours, our officers came under attack from bottles, bricks and any debris that was on the ground’ said Ch Insp Jo Edwards. ‘What’'s disappointing is these people, are intent on fighting but innocent members.of the public get caught up in it and.their carnival is spoiled.’"

Tantissimi gli arrestati, più dell'anno precedente, come si legge nel passo che segue: "The violence came at the end of a spectacular camival weekend, enjoyed by 850,000 visitors. During the weekend, 330 people were arrested - up from 247 last year. There were 573 crimes reported compared with 537 last year".

I disordini non sono casuali, ma organizzati: "Earlier on Monday, a mob of 180 youths who planned to unleash chaos at the carnival were intercepted and stopped by police in Kennington, south London. But Ms Edwards said the later riots were not linked to that operation".

La polizia ha adottato la tattica di fermare le persone sospette e verificare se abbiano con sè delle armi o oggetti contundenti: "She claimed 'stop and search' tactics ensured most of the weekend's visitors enjoyed the event peacefully. A Taser gun, knives, CS spray and a baseball bat were among the weapons seized".

Naturalmente, gli organizzatori del Carnevale tendono a minimizzare i disordini: "Michael Williarns, from London Notting Hill Camival Ltd, said the violence should not overshadow the street party. 'It was an amazing spectacle of colour, energy and music', he added".

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